Armadi Art Group is the leading bathroom furniture manufacturer in Turkey. Family owned and operated since 1974, it specializes in vanity designs aimed for the connoisseurs on every level in the decorative plumbing industry. With exports to 49 countries around the world and equipped with European standard production facilities, we target boutique showrooms and clientele, never compromising from the highest quality at every level. We can be the perfect solution provider to the interior designers and architects in the Kitchen & Bath market. Our wide and expanding range of collections, contemporary like Acqua and Moderno, traditional like Classico, or totally unique like Avantgarde, serve to fill-in the niche in select US markets.

Armadi Art creates styles to reach every design mood. Contemporary images from our Acqua, Dolce and Vallessi suites are designed for that upscale urban environment. Romantic and emotional themes are best represented in our Avantgarde and Classico suites.

Armadi Art USA

Icons of Design

Projects by internationally acclaimed designers and young creative professionals bring to life the brand’s ethos with an innovative and refined design.

Armadi Art USA


Our interior architects and designers offer thousands of personalized alternatives to their customers with color, texture and shape differences within the existing modulation system.

Armadi Art USA


Units, sinks, tubs and accessories are made with passion and configured to the client's requirements, all completely handmade.

Armadi Art USA

Armadi Art USA The Armadi Art Group company, which has been using wood production technology since 1974, has been producing premium class bathroom furniture for many countries of the world under the brands Armadi Art, Antonio Valanti, Vallessi and Capolda.

T. 561 213 5478 E. alrykus@me.com